Elective Home Education (EHE)
Part Time Provision for Elective Home Education
At Dearne Valley College we offer funded, Part Time Provision for students aged 14-16, who are Elective Home Educated (EHE). We provide a wide range of vocational courses alongside GCSEs or Functional Skills in English and maths.
Our EHE programme is usually for around 12 hours per week, therefore are not designed to replace compulsory education, but to supplement the education that a child receives at home.
We work hard to balance the diverse needs of the whole home educated community including those young people who come to home education when school hasn’t been a successful learning environment.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for Part Time Provision at Dearne Valley College, your young person must have been home educated for a minimum of six months. Each application is fully explored to ensure that every individual is on a programme which offers the best and most appropriate support to meet their needs.
The EHE provision at College may not be suitable for students with significant behavioural issues and those who are disengaged from education. Students who have been permanently excluded from school, or were at risk of this happening prior to de-registration from school, may be referred to an alternative provision.
What course will be studied?
In the first year with us (either year 10 or year 11 equivalent), your young person will be eligible for our Engage course which provides an opportunity to transition back into an educational setting.
The Engage course is made up of the following aspects;
- Employability skills
- Personal and social development skills
- Work experience
- English and maths
- A vocational taster – A chance to try different curriculum areas in preparation for progression and enrolment onto a full programme.
This course is open to 14-16 year olds and appropriate for those who have social, emotional and mental health needs, as well as those wanting to transition back into an educational setting.
What happens after the course?
After a successful year on the Engage course, EHE learners can progress into vocational areas, whether this is as a year 11 equivalent or as a post-16 learner.
We offer vocational taster sessions based on the courses available. Please ensure you review our website to understand at which of our campuses the different courses are delivered.
How to apply
Research: Find the best option for you
We have lots of useful information that can be found on our website. Attending our open events is a great way to find out more about where your young person could be studying.
You can speak to our specialist course tutors, see our fantastic facilities and get a feel for the campus.
Apply: Get the ball rolling
The quickest way to apply is online via our website.
Apply for the Engage course here.
Alternatively you can pick up a paper application from the College.
Attend: Come and see us!
After applying, your young person will be invited to attend an interview with a course tutor to discuss their choice, find out more and make sure that the course is right for them.
This will also be an opportunity to discuss any Additional Learning Support needs as part of a compulsory assessment, required prior to enrollment.
Note: Some courses may require you to bring along a portfolio of work and/or audition as part of your interview process
Enrol: Welcome
Enrolment takes place online and is quick and easy to do.
Once enrolled, you will then be contacted to arrange your start date and be issued with your college timetable ready to start in September.
Further information
For more information visit your local authorities website for Elective Home Educated;
- Rotherham EHE Information
- Sheffield EHE Information
- Doncaster EHE Information
- Barnsley EHE Information
- Nottinghamshire EHE Information
Contact us
We are here to support you. Our designated 14-16 lead can provide you with more course information and assist with your application.
Call: 01709 513355
Email: learn@dearne-coll.ac.uk