8 Ways to Have a Great Start to College Life

8 Ways to Have a Great Start to College Life

2 September 2024

It’s finally time to take that next step in your education journey.

But after five years at secondary school, surrounded by familiar people and places, it can take some getting used to being a college student.

If you’re nervous about navigating this first half term at Rotherham College, North Notts College and Dearne Valley College, here are 8 tips to help you have the best possible start.

Make the most of Welcome Week

This year, we have not one, not two, but EIGHT weeks of induction activities to help you find your feet at college.

It’s your chance to explore the campus you’ll be studying at, start making new friends, and get a taste of our student enrichment opportunities.

There will be a different theme each week, from career advice and skills support to wellbeing and extra-curricular sessions.

We’ve planned a busy schedule filled with things like sports competitions, treasure hunts, masterclasses, team building, and guest speakers. Each lunchtime, there will also be activities going off in your campus’s cafeteria like table tennis, retro gaming, and student performances.

At the end of your first week is the annual colour run at Dearne Valley College on Friday 6th September. This is the ultimate fun and vibrant race where students run through plumes of (washable) powder paint thrown by College staff. All you need is a plain white t-shirt and some footwear you can run (or walk) in. There will be buses running from Rotherham and North Notts campuses. It’s an experience not to be missed!

Parents and carers are also invited into college to let us know what they think. During the third week (from Monday 16th September), we’re running an evening consultation event at each campus for a presentation on college life, expectations, and opportunities.

These dates are:

  • North Notts College – Tuesday 17th September
  • Rotherham College – Wednesday 18th September
  • Dearne Valley College – Thursday 19th September

Find out more about what’s happening during Welcome Week.

Get your bearings around campus

Not sure where the campus gym or the best quiet study spots are? How long does it take to walk from one end of campus to the other to avoid being late for class? Use your first few weeks in College to get your bearings.

You’ve probably already been in your classroom or workspace. But, there are so many great facilities on campus that students can use.

Did you know your College has a hair and beauty salon open to students with treatments far cheaper than high street salons? We’ve also got a restaurant at Rotherham campus where you could book a table with family or friends. Or why not sign up the gym at Dearne Valley campus, with student membership deals available.

You’re going to be spending a lot of time at College over the next few years, so it might also be helpful to find out where to go for urgent help from our student support team. You might also want to take a walk outside of College to find where you can chill or nip to the shops after lessons. What transport options do you have? Will you use the College bus service or take the train? Or can you grab a parking or bike storage spot?

When you know your College’s campus inside out, you can make the most of everything it has to offer.

Sign up to activities and clubs

Being an RNN student is about more than just your academic studies.

Extra-curricular activities, such as joining a society or sports team, can be one of the most rewarding parts of college life. It’s another chance to make friends with people who share a common interest, boost your skills, and add to your CV.

But quality matters more than quantity when it comes to extra-curriculars. Don’t sign up for so many things that you end up overwhelmed and stressed out. Instead, choose a small number of things you really love and dedicate yourself to them.

From Monday 9th September, we’re running an enrichment fair in College with taster sessions for some of our extra-curricular clubs. The bursary team will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have about financial support.

Each campus will also have representatives from some external organisations such as the Turing Scheme, MESMAC sexual health screening, and online mental wellbeing group Kooth.

These dates are:

  • North Notts College – Tuesday 10th September
  • Rotherham College – Wednesday 11th September
  • Dearne Valley College – Thursday 12th September

Swap don’t drop out of college

Feel like you might not be on the right course? What you imagined studying might not actually suit you in real life. Maybe it’s harder than you expected, you’ve realised you don’t like the subject you’ve chosen, or your career ambitions have changed. And that’s okay! Some of you chose your course over a year ago. Things change. We get it.

But please remember that we’re here to help you. The last thing we want is for you to drop out of College because you think that’s the only option. Your tutors and our student support teams can advise you about how to overcome any difficulties you’re experiencing.

During the fourth week at college (from Monday 23rd September) we’ll be running Swap Don’t Drop sessions for any students considering changing courses. It might be that you swap to a lower level, opt for an Apprenticeship if you’d prefer to work while studying, or change the subject entirely – dependent on spaces being available on a new course.

Be confident about your future career

Okay. So you’ve only just started at College. You’ve got ages until you need to start applying for jobs or a degree. But it’s never too soon to start thinking about your future career.

Having a plan in place, even at early this stage, will give you the motivation needed to keep going.

Each of our three Colleges has its own team of career advisers to support you and make decisions about your future career goals. You can explore your choices and interests, look at any work placement opportunities, and find out more about our career development programme to develop those transferrable skills employers are looking for.

Our careers and employability hubs are always open to students. But during the fifth week of Welcome Week (from Monday 30th September), we’re also running a careers fair at each campus. Some of our employer academies will be there to talk about the job roles or companies you could work with in the future.

Prioritise your wellbeing

These first few weeks at College are amazing but they can also be overwhelming. New faces, new names to remember, new ways of working. It’s easy to burn out if you don’t take care of yourself.

Try to eat well and drink plenty of water. Our College bistros have a range of healthy options available, made fresh daily. Some students may be eligible for free meals while at College, depending on their or their family’s income and benefit status.

Make time for the things that nourish your mental health. That might be a spot of yoga, journalling, going for a run, taking part in a fitness session or just spending an hour outdoors. 

Remember to check in with your friends. You might feel like you’re the only one having a wobble, but chances are they’re also going through the motions. Welcome Week is also a great chance to meet new friends in a relaxed environment. There’s no pressure to meet your new bestie in the first week, but you never know where that first conversation might take you.

Social media will probably be abuzz with people #livingtheirbestlives. But what you see on Instagram or TikTok isn’t always reality. Engage with social media mindfully and take a break if it makes you feel worse.

During the sixth week at College (from Monday 7th October) each campus will have a wellbeing week with lots of activities planned around mindfulness and improving your wellbeing. Our student support team will also be available for confidential advice for anyone facing difficulties in their personal lives.

Brush up on your study skills

College requires a lot of independent study. There will be lots of information to take in during these first few weeks. You’ll be expected to take notes, complete homework, and seek out resources for yourself to complete any coursework.

Understand your personal learning style and find the solutions that suit you best. Be sure to find out how our learning hubs work and what facilities each library has for those study sessions. And don’t forget about organisation and time management to ensure you stay on top of your workload.

We use some digital tools you might not have used before. Mainly, these are Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. Your tutors will explain what digital tools are required for your specific course.

There will also be a skills support session taking place during the seventh week (from Monday 13th October) with more information available.

Celebrate surviving the first half-term

The final week of Welcome Week is our cross-college celebration event. Before we break up for half term, celebrate how well you’ve settled into this exciting new chapter.

More details will be released closer to the time so remember to follow our social media channels for updates.

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