Two esport students

New Students Love to Learn at Dearne

19 September 2024

Staff have been gaining feedback from students now that they have been at Dearne for a few weeks to find our how the teaching is going and how they feel about college life.

Students have been saying that they think that Dearne Valley College is good and so is their course. Many have made new friends and prefer Dearne to many other colleges they have visited and friends have been to.

Some students have said that teachers at Dearne really engage with them and show real interest in them to support with their learning, and that everyone is friendly and nice.

Learners have also said how nice other students are on their course and how kind and helpful everyone is.

Students in the esport department show off their new T Shirts whilst telling us they are enjoying College and their experience as well as confirming that they think the new student portal is brilliant and, for some, much better than last year!

Students in animal management, sport and motor vehicle agree with students saying they love the teaching and the new experiences on offer.

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